Blog Hop
Wordless Wednesday- A Few Treasures at the St. Louis Zoo Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Wordless Wednesday: Doggie Daycare Holiday Photos
I had a lot of fun photographing the dogs at work for holiday portraits. A few weeks ago, I posted a few bloopers. Here are just a few of my favorites of the final portraits. Carson Zusi Zoey Rock-O Jasmine Douglas Henry Flash Chloe My Chewy
The 4 Gifts for Pets Blog Hop: Gifts Pets Want, Need, Wear, and Eat
At this time of year, it can be easy to get caught up in the frenzy of sales and the fun of shopping. I’m guilty of going crazy with buying gifts for Delia for Christmas, and now that we have Chewy, I could really go nuts with the gifts. One of my favorite blogs, Kol’s Notes, is hosting the 4 Gifts for Pets Blog Hop, based on the premise of simplifying the holidays by sticking with a four gift rule. A gift they want, a gift they need, a gift to wear, and a gift to eat (or read depending on the recipient’s likes.) Want What do Delia and Chewy…
52 Snapshots of Life Week 3: Joyful
This is week three of the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge hosted by The Lazy Pitbull. This week’s theme is Joyful and Delia’s play was indeed joyful. Not only for her, but I can’t help but feel joyful watching her play so happily. For the first time in weeks, the weather was warm enough for Delia to play outside this past weekend. Playing fetch outside made this little dog truly joyful! Click photo to view larger. Check out the other bloggers participating in the 52 Snapshots of Life photo challenge and feel free to join in!
- Blog Hop, Delia's Dish, Delia's Dish, Dog Treat Recipes, Frozen Blueberry Pro Bloom Instant Goat's Milk Treats, Healthy Dog Treats, Healthy Pets, Natural Pet Health, Recipes, Tasty Tuesday, The Honest Kitchen
Frozen Blueberry Pro Bloom Instant Goat’s Milk Treats
During the hot summer months Delia loves her frozen treats. We have had high temps in the upper 90’s and a few 100 degree days, so cool treats were in order. Her favorite is blueberries mixed with Pro Bloom Instant Goat’s Milk from The Honest Kitchen. The Honest Kitchen Pro Bloom is a shelf-stable instant goat’s milk with digestive enzymes and probiotics. Delia’s a big fan of the flavor and I’m a fan of the fact that it is human-grade and made in the USA, and naturally free of pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones and antibiotics. Blueberries are tasty, low in fat, high in vitamin C and fiber, and contain healthy…
Monday Mischief-Goodbye Snoopy
Delia’s favorite toy since she’s been with me has been her Snoopy doll. He was the first toy I bought her. She loved him so. Napping with him last week… Un-stuffing him this week… …looking a little guilty….and annoyed…. ….snuggling once again… Two days later… I’m not sure what he did to deserve this, but she managed to not only un-stuff him, but she turned his body completely inside out. Snoopy has moved on to well-loved toy heaven and Delia has moved on to her next victim friend. I wish him better luck than poor Snoopy.
Wordless Wednesday: Delia’s Favorite Ball
It was her favorite ball, but we had to throw it away. She played with it so much it fell apart.
Blog Paws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop: Delia and Sweet Pea’s Snow Day
- Blog Hop, Blog Paws, Natural Balance Pet Foods, Norman the Scooter Dog, Tillman the Skateboarding Bulldog, Tripawds, Who Let The Dogs Out
Who Let The Dogs Out at BlogPaws
The stars from the Hallmark Channel’s show “Who Let The Dogs Out?” are back. The talented team of dogs and trainers from Natural Balance Pet Foods, including Tillman the Skateboarding Bulldog and Norman the Scooter Dog, tour the country looking for talented and inspiring dogs to share their stories. Tillman, Norman and their crew visited Blog Paws 2012 in Salt Lake City last and shared their experience meeting bloggers and performing for the audience of animal lovers on their most recent episode. Blog Paws is the ultimate source for pet bloggers with a thriving online community and popular yearly conference. Attending Blog Paws has been a goal of mine since…