Allprovide All-Natural Fresh Raw Dog Food Review
I’ve been interested in transitioning Delia and Chewy to a raw diet for a while, but the process seemed daunting. Cost, equipment, quality ingredients, safety…these were all concerns. When I was approached to review Allprovide in exchange for food for Delia and Chewy to try, after doing some research on the company and consulting our veterinarian, I thought it would be a great opportunity to delve into raw feeding.
Allprovide is all-natural and made with USDA select meats and USDA Grade A poultry blended together with fresh vegetables and natural ingredients to produce balanced pre-packaged meals. The meals are based on the Bone and Raw food diet and meet AAFCO guidelines for nutrition.
Allprovide is made in America in Norcross, Ga and the ingredients are USA sourced from select Georgia farmers and farmers markets. All of the food is triple-tested for quality and to eliminate natural pathogens.
We received a free started box of 9 lbs of food in exchange for our honest review of Allprovide food. The starter box included Natural Turkey with Vegetables Enhanced Formula Dog Food, Natural Chicken with Vegetables Enhanced Formula Dog Food, and Natural Beef with Vegetables Enhanced Formula Dog Food. Each blend includes an additional Vitamin E supplement as well as coconut oil and Alaskan salmon oil in addition to the natural ingredients. I had been giving Delia and Chewy each of these as additional supplements to their food, which was an additional expense. The fact that they are already included in the Allprovide food is an additional benefit for us.
The food comes in 16 oz individual packages which can be served raw cold, cooked, or frozen. The ease of the pre-packaged food is a big plus for me, as well. It is important to follow the feeding guidelines for your dog. Allprovide provides handy Feeding Guidelines and Calculator on their website.
Delia and Chewy have been eating Allprovide for 35 days now, and they BOTH love it. If you’ve followed our posts in the past, you’ll know that Delia is super picky. Just when I think I’ve found a food she likes, she stops eating it. We’re 35 days strong with raw Allprovide food. She actually asks for more. Chewy loves it, too. I love knowing that they are getting the nutrients they need without the added chemicals and fillers of a lot of foods available.

Chewy and Delia enjoying their Allprovide meals!
A few things I’ve noticed since starting Allprovide:
- Delia has more energy. She has always been active, but I had noticed she was lying around and sleeping more. Since starting the raw Allprovide diet, she is more active and playful.
- Tear staining is decreasing. Delia and Chewy had both developed terrible tear staining. Their veterinarian verified neither had blocked tear ducts or infections. Since switching to this food, I’ve noticed the staining decreasing. We have also switched to bottled spring water, and I believe the combination has helped tremendously. It is a work in progress, but there is definitely improvement.
- Fewer stools. Yep, they’re pooping less and in small amounts. It also doesn’t have much of an odor. This is GOOD.
- Delia has a history of allergies. When I adopted her, she was eating a grocery-store kibble full of fillers and dyes. She licked and chewed her feet terribly and pulled hair out of her tail and sides. I switched her to a better diet and eliminated dyes and most grains, and this eliminated the hair pulling and the feet licking and chewing decreased. Since eating raw Allprovide over the last month, she has stopped chewing on her feet and I’ve only seen her lick them when they have been wet.
I love the fact that the company has sponsored a service dog named Arielle. It is important to me when a company gives back and service dogs are so important and much needed by the people they help.
I am very happy with our experience with Allprovide and I have already made my first purchase on their website for another month’s worth of food. Our order arrived in two days and they offer free shipping and regular delivery, which is fantastic! Their site is easy to navigate and full of great information about raw feeding.
There is also a rewards program on the Allprovide site where you can earn chips to get discounts as rewards by engaging on the site. You can earn chips by simply logging in, following Allprovide on social media, recommending friends, and more. The chips add up pretty quickly and I’ve found it to be a useful program. We saved $10 on our our order by the chips we’ve earned so far.
I’m happy to recommend Allprovide for anyone interested in starting your dog or cat on a raw diet. You can try a special Starter Box of 9 lbs of Chicken, Beef, and Turkey Enhanced Formula Dog Foods (3 lbs of each flavor) for a discounted price of $18.30, which is 50% off the usual price, and includes shipping. Use the coupon code STARTERBOX at checkout.
To learn more about Allprovide visit them online at:
Do you feed your pets a raw diet or have you considered feeding a raw diet? I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with raw feeding!
I was provided 12 lbs of free Allprovide food for my honest review and received no additional compensation for this post. The opinions are my own.