Let me introduce you to….Delia!

Delia’s my two year old (her 2nd birthday is today!) spunky Bichon Frise who came to live with my family this past January. I work at a veterinary hospital and Delia was boarding with us over the New Year holiday because her guardian was ill. Sadly, her guardian passed away while she was staying with us. Delia needed a home and I was ready to adopt. It was a perfect match.
Delia is a princess with an edge. She loves to fetch, be chased and wrestle with other dogs, but don’t dare expect her to drink after other dogs at the dog park or at day care, or play with a toy that has been in another dog’s mouth. She enjoys her grooming and “spa days” with her favorite groomer, Charity, yet can’t resist rolling in something smelly or getting dirty at the park. She’s a very good girl and never meets a stranger. I’m able to take her to work with me, so she hangs out with the boarding dogs or at day care. We’re lucky this way.
We’ve had a lot of fun these first few months and I can’t wait to see what is to come with this wonderful little blessing.