“Everything You Need to Know About House Training Puppies and Adult Dogs” Book Review/Blog Hop/Treasure Hunt Giveaway!
“Everything You Need to Know About House Training Puppies and Adult Dogs” Book Review/Blog Hop/Treasure Hunt Giveaway!
Welcome! I was excited to receive a copy of “Everything You Need to Know About House Training Puppies and Adult Dogs” in exchange for a fair and honest review. Not only that, but it’s all part of a fun giveaway event called the Sizzling Winter Blog Hop & Treasure Hunt!
I found “Everything You Need to Know About House Training Puppies and Adult Dogs” a simple, straight-forward and informative read. From starting out with a puppy to correcting behaviors in adult dogs, Lori Verni-Fogarsi provides easy, positive instruction for house training dogs.
Lori Verni-Fogarsi has been a freelance writer, journalist, columnist, business consultant, speaker, and author for 15+ years. She is a happily married mom of two, step mom of two more, and has two cats, both rotten. You can learn more about her at www.LoriTheAuthor.com.
If you’d like to purchase the book for yourself or as a gift, you can order it easily on Amazon at http://goo.gl/gdteo
And now on to other fun! There are tons of prizes you can win! First, enter my giveaway TO WIN A Paw Print Tote below.

Then, go to the main treasure hunt–the grand prize is a $100 Amazon Gift Card! Yes, seriously! Click here to go to the main treasure hunt. Just find Heartprints Pets on the treasure hunt list and enter my treasure hunt clue: RESCUE. You’ll be entered to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card! You’ll also find links to the many other sites so you can find their clues too, and receive extra entries! Plus, every site is having their own additional giveaway! (Are you thinking “Woo Hoo” about this Blog Hop/Treasure Hunt? Because I sure am! How cool is this?!)
First, enter my giveaway. Please give it a moment for the entry form to load. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Next, click here to open the main treasure hunt entry form. Input Heartprints Pets secret treasure hunt word (RESCUE), then be sure to visit all of the other sites to find theirs too! (Don’t worry, all of the links are on there.) Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed the book review and wish you luck in the giveaways. Have fun with the treasure hunt! If you enjoyed this, please share with your friends. Thanks!