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The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack and Sally DIY Dog Costumes

We’re big fans of Tim Burton’s work in our house. The Nightmare Before Christmas is our favorite movie, and Jack Skellington and his love Sally are two of our favorite characters. I can’t be the only dog mom who would love to dress my dogs as our favorite characters, right? So, we want to share our The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack and Sally DIY dog costumes.

DIY Jack and Saly Dog Costumes

Chewy’s big round head, dark eyes, and frowny look when his hair is longer remind me of Jack.

DIY Jack Skellington Dog Costume

Delia’s lankiness, and sweetness with a dash of mischief remind me of Sally.

DIY Sally Nitghtmare Before Christmas Dog Costume

Chewy’s costume was fairly simple. I used a Garanimals 2T boys t shirt, Tulip dimensional fabric paint, black felt for the bow tie, and this tutorial.

DIY the Nightmare Before Christmas Jack Skellington Dog Costume

For Delia’s costume, I made a tulle tutu in colors similar to Sally’s dress for the bottom. For the top of her dress, I applied an iron-on I designed reminiscent of Sally’s patchwork dress to Garanimals 2T girls t shirt. I added a little color to the sleeves and sides of the iron-on design with Tulip fabric paint. (I opted for brighter colors than the film.)

DIY the Nightmare Before Christmas Sally Dog Costume

DIY Nightmare Before Christmas Dog Costume

She was more interested in fetching than modeling.

The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack and Sally DIY dog costumes

Chewy had no trouble getting into character as the Pumpkin King.

The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack and Sally DIY Dog Costumes

Jack and his loyal dog Zero.

We had a lot of fun with these costumes. I can’t get enough of how adorable Chewy is as Jack Skellington and what a good little model he was for his photo shoot. I think my little Sally is pretty cute, too.

Who is your favorite Tim Burton character? Have you ever dressed as your favorite character? We’d love for you to share in the comments below!


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