Glamor, Fundraising and Dogs: Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof!
Saturday Sept 20, 2014 100 dog lovers and their four-legged best friends will gather at Olde Towne Pet Resort in Sterling, Va to fund-raise for Oldies But Goodies Cocker Spaniel Rescue and share their love of wigglebutts at SOLD OUT Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof, a red carpet, pet-friendly fundraiser for OBG Cocker Spaniel Rescue.
Carol Bryant, creator of Fidose of Reality, formed Wigglebutt Warriors along with her spouse, Darlene Bryant, to help dogs in need. After a hugely successful “Wigglebutt Wedding” fundraiser in 2013, Carol and Darlene were inspired to form Wigglebutt Warriors with a focus on fundraising for 501(C)3 organizations to support homeless dogs.
Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof is sure to be the dog lover’s event of the year with Hollywood glamor, the first annual “Wiggy” awards, music, a red carpet, paw-parazzi…and it is all for the good of dogs!
Delia and I aren’t able join the fun at the glamorous gala, but we are proud to be a blogger sponsor of Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof to support the Wigglebutt Warriors mission. Delia is disappointed she won’t get to meet Dexter Bryant and all of the wonderful pet bloggers also supporting Wigglebutts Go Hollywoof. She is also disappointed that she’s missing out on the SMARTCOOKEE treats and Brandy’s Bark Bar sponsored by The Honest Kitchen, but she sends her best wishes to all of the Wigglebutts in attendance and those the event will benefit.
As an Independent Handler with For Tails Only, and for the month of September I will be donating 15% of my sales to OBG Cocker Rescue. When you shop www.fortailsonly.com/heartprintspets, please choose OBG Cocker Rescue under PLACE A PAWTY ORDER and Sponsor ID #1014001 to be sure OBG Cocker Rescue gets proper credit.
Also, Aimeroo and 4 The Love of Animals blogger and Younique Presenter Aimee Gertsch is donating 10% of her September sales to OBG. Be sure to use this link https://www.youniqueproducts.com/AimeeG/products#.VAOkaWN_Rne when you shop to make sure OBG gets the donation.
Follow the hashtag #WigglebuttsGoHollywoof on social media to follow the event updates from attendees!
For more information about Wigglebutt Warriors visit http://fidoseofreality.com/.