Have You Taken the Pledge to emBARK on Pet Health?
Sergeant’s Pet Care has been a trusted pet care brand for more than 140 years helping pets and their guardians to lead healthier, happier and more entertaining lives together.
In continuing that tradition, Sergeant’s and the American Humane Association have joined together to help educate pet guardians on how to maintain their pet’s health with the emBARK on Pet Health Campaign.
By taking a pledge to learn about your pet’s health needs and how to to maintain their health, you can help newly adopted pets in participating American Humane Association shelters start their new lives with a great start to continued health care. With each pledge Sergeant’s will send a pet product health kit to American Human Association shelters that will be sent home with newly adopted pets.
In addition to helping these newly adopted pets, the emBARK in Pet Health Campaign website contains a wealth of information and helpful tools including a Pet Health Calendar and checklists that will help guardians to maintain their pet’s health throughout the year.
The campaign ends March 31st so please take a moment to take the Pledge to emBARK on Pet Health for your pet’s well being and to help newly adopted shelter pets.
Disclaimer: Though I was compensated by Sergeant’s I fully support the emBARK on Pet Health campaign and Sergeant’s involvement with the American Humane Association to help animals in need. Pet health and animal rescue and adoption are important to me and I am proud to support these efforts.