Calvin’s Smile
Sometimes I forget that what may seem like a simple snapshot to me, may hold a greater meaning for someone else. I snapped these shots of Calvin simply because he is adorable, and after all he has dealt with and overcome, when he looks me in the eye and wags, it melts my heart. As I was snapping, he smiled. His huge, adorable, goofy smile. My heart melted. I didn’t give the pics much more thought when I uploaded them to the A Howlin’ Good Time Facebook page. A few days later, his mom told me that the photo of his smile made her melt. I thought it was funny…
Cersei: From the Lonely Streets of Mexico to a Forever Home in the USA
Today I want to introduce you to Cersei. When my friend Margaret lost her beloved Chihuahua, Izzy, she was heartbroken. Anyone who has loved and lost a beloved animal can relate to that pain. She began searching for a rescued Chihuahua to adopt, but after searching for weeks, she hadn’t found anyone she felt a connection with. That is until a friend who had retired to Mexico posted a photo on Facebook of a 4 pound, emaciated, homeless Chihuahua she found wandering the streets in their village. Margaret’s dog-loving friend helps homeless dogs in her community to find loving homes. When Margaret saw this little dog’s photo she felt an…
- Book Reviews, Books, Canine Massage, Healthy Pets, Holistic Animal Care, Holistic Pet Care, Human and Animal Bond, Natural Pet Health, Natural Pet Health, Product Reviews, Reviews, Sponsored
Book Review: Grow Young with Your Dog
We’re all familiar with the aches and pains that come with aging. Our dogs experience this, too. Mary Debono’s book Grow Young with Your Dog gives readers an approach to grow young and feel better, rather than old and achy with your dog, and the healing power of connection with your dog. Mary Debono, GCFP (Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner) is the creator of Debono Moves, a system of improvement designed to enhance body awareness, comfort and movement, while deepening the human-canine bond. (Pg. 6 Grow Young With Your Dog.) This book introduces twelve basic Debono Moves to do with your dog as well as Human Exercises to improve your mobility,…