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Chewy Caught the Ball!

Life is short Play with your dog-Henry Guest

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and do what Delia loves best….fetch!

Chewy with his eye on the ball

Except today, Chewy was determined to get the ball before Delia…

Chewy runnig after ball…and he’s off!

Chewy caught the ball!

He caught the ball!!

Delia and Chewy Running After the Ball

He usually can’t keep up with her, but this time, they ran together!

Chewy cohewing the ballHe decided to take it to the deck and chew on it for a bit.

Chewy hoarding the ball as Delia looks onDelia: “You gonna let go of that ball, Chewy?”

Chewy: “No, I think I’m gonna keep it.”

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